Monthly Archives: February 2011

This is another one of those articles I write mainly so I can reference it later to help me remember how I got something working, but if it helps someone else trying to get Amavis, ClamAV, and SpamAssassin working with Postfix on Fedora, then great!

Tips for installing Amavis-new, ClamAV, and SpamAssassin using Postfix on ...

You don’t need a Windows Media Center PC to share pictures, videos, or music with an Xbox 360. If you’ve got a Fedora / RHEL/ CentOS box on your home network and you’d like to use it as a UPnP and DLNA Media Server so that you can stream files […]

How to set up uShare media server on Fedora / ...

I’ve had a sick Xbox 360, flashing the dreaded Red Ring of Death (RRoD), sitting in my Utah office for almost a year now. I’d replaced it with an Xbox 360 Elite, and since I’m only in this office for a few days each month, I didn’t feel a rush […]

Xbox 360 Red Ring of Death Repaired