I little over a year ago, I made my very first plumbing-related blog post: a report on how I learned I should flush my water heater to eliminate rust-colored water, and should replace its anode when it’s fully eroded. Since that first post, I’ve enjoyed progressively attempting more complex DIY plumbing projects, and have shared most of them with you here on my blog. And bolstered by the success of those projects, I decided last week it was time to take on what I consider to be my first “major” DIY plumbing project: replacing a water heater!
How to Know When to Replace Your Water Heater
On average, a quality water heater should last between 12-15 years. As a general guide for how long yours will probably last, check the warranty on your unit. As with most warrantied items, they’re designed to wear right after the warranty period ends. Although, if you have extremely hard water in your area, the lifespan of your water heater could be significantly shorter. Or, if you have average water and/or maintain your water heater by flushing it annually and replacing the anode when needed, you could potentially double or triple its expected lifespan.
Most homeowners, however, don’t maintain their water heaters at all. Hey, I’m not judging — I didn’t do anything with either of the water heaters in our main house until that very first plumbing post over a year ago… after both water heaters had been in service for over 15 years! And even though I finally “saw the light” and eventually started maintaining them, I still couldn’t fight the feeling that I was living on borrowed time (and it turns out, I really was).
There are a few obvious signs that it’s time to replace your water heater. The most obvious, of course, is if it starts leaking from the sides or from the bottom. If it’s leaking from a hose or fixture, those can just be tightened or replaced. But if the tank has rusted through its wall or bottom and is leaking, you’re in trouble… and you’ve waited until the most expensive time to replace your water heater. Why the most expensive? Two reasons. First, if the leak causes water damage in your house, repairs house can get real expensive, real quick. Second, a major water heater leak will force you to shut off your water heater — meaning nobody in the house will be able to shower, do laundry, wash the dishes, or otherwise use hot water until you get a new one. And when you call up that plumber (in Beverly Hills… you know the one… “Mr. Everything Will Be Expensive)” and tell him to hurry over because you don’t have any hot water, all he’ll be able to hear is “ka-CHING, ka-CHING!” He’ll buy the replacement from a wholesale plumbing supply warehouse for $400, sell it to you for $700, and charge a few hundred more to install it. And you’ll be far less prone to price shop, or even take a few days to research your options, when replacing your water heater is an urgent priority… and you’ll end up paying way more than you really should.
But what if your water heater isn’t leaking, but has visible rust or corrosion on the top, sides, and/or bottom? That’s still a sure sign it’s time to replace it.

Rusty water heater is no bueno.
In my case, my two water heaters weren’t showing any signs of rust, but they had both been installed in 1997. Back then, this neighborhood shared a community well, and the water was extremely hard. And even though we’ve now got city water (and fire hydrants — yay!), those water heaters are now 17 years old, spent most of their life with hard water, and were neglected by me for all but the last year. So even with no exterior signs of trouble, I had a feeling that my aging water heaters probably looked like this on the inside:

Scale and rust buildup inside your water heater.
Choosing a Replacement Water Heater
There are plenty of options for water heaters, but the two leading US brands sold by professional plumbers are Bradford White and Rheem/Ruud (Rheem/Ruud also make Richmond and GE water heaters). I’ve got two Bradford White electric units out at our cabin, and two Bradford White gas units at our Utah house. I like the Bradford Whites — they have a solid reputation as quality water heaters. But their anodes are integrated into their hot water tube (unlike the Rheem/Rude units that have standalone anodes), making it harder to extract the anode during my annual flush and inspection. Here at the main house, we’ve got two Rheem units: a 75 gallon tank that services some bedrooms, the laundry, and the kitchen, plus a 50 gallon tank that services a few other bedrooms. They’ve both been worry-free for 17 years, so I decided there’s no reason not to trust the same brand again. I located their model numbers, called Rheem’s customer support department, and asked for the current model numbers that correspond to my existing units. One major advantage of using a direct replacement is knowing I wouldn’t have to worry about modifying the existing overhead venting, and I also knew that the existing cold “in” and hot “out” water locations would work fine with the replacement units.
My existing 50 gallon tank is a 1997 Rheem 21V50-2, which is the same as a 2014 Rheem or Ruud PRO+G50-38N RU58. My 75 gallon tank is a 1997 Rheem 21VR75, which matches the current Rheem/Ruud PRO+G75-75N RU. I got the best price on the 50 gallon unit for $399 from a local hardware store (yay McLendon!) and picked up the 75 gallon monster at a commercial plumbing supply company (Keller Supply) for $899. I also picked up new expansion tanks for each of the new water heaters, because both of the old ones leaked water when I pressed their Schrader valves to test. Water from an expansion tank’s Schrader valve means its bladder has ruptured and it needs to be replaced (see this separate blog post on the importance of expansion tank testing and replacement).
Out With The Old…
Of course, before one can install a new water heater, one must remove the old one! I decided to start with the 50 gallon unit first, so for the rest of this article, I’ll focus on that one. I probably would have been fine using all of the existing hoses, pipes, and fittings that were already in place with the old tank, but since I wanted to make a few upgrades (I’ll explain below), I decided to replace most of the surrounding plumbing at the same time.
The day before doing the swap, I snapped some close-up photos of all the existing connections with my iPhone. Having them for reference makes it way easier than standing in a hardware store, scratching your head, trying to remember whether you needed a 3/4″ male NPT, or a 3/8″ compression fitting. Here are some of the shots I took of my old water heater and connections (click on any image to launch the gallery):
- Main shutoff valve, cold water inlet, and expansion tank
- Recirculating pump return line and shutoff
- Recirculating pump and drain fittings
- Natural gas connections
- Natural gas line fittings
- TPR valve discharge line
Armed with my photos, I met my Dad at the McLendon hardware store near his house for some old-fashioned hardware store father/son bonding time (when I was a kid, we used to hit Parkrose Hardware pretty much every Saturday morning). At McLendons, we tracked down their plumbing section expert (he wasn’t hard to find… he was behind the desk in the plumbing section), showed him the photos, and he walked around with us for 30 minutes, answering questions and making suggestions, until we had all the necessary bits and a more than a few helpful tips.
When I know exactly what I’m looking for, I go to the “big box” hardware stores like Home Depot or Lowes. But… if I actually need help with a project, it’s totally worth paying an extra dollar or three for the service and expertise that comes only at a hardware store filled with people who’ve actually used the tools and parts they sell. Rock on, McLendons!
After returning home with my bag of plumbing bits, I waited until everyone had gone to bed, then shut off the main gas outlet in the utility closet that houses the water heater. This turned off the burner, allowing the water in the tank to cool overnight. I also shut off the cold water inlet and the recirculating pump.
The next morning, I drained the tank by opening a nearby hot water faucet to break suction:

Open a hot water faucet any time you drain a water heater

Using a pump really speeds things up!
With the water to the whole house shut off, I used channel lock pliers and a Crescent wrench to disassemble and remove everything between the cold water inlet nipple on the tank and the threaded end of the cold water copper line sticking out of the wall:

Cold water inlet sticking out of the wall

Shark Bite 3/4″ ball valve installed

Recirculating pump removed

Bronze fittings removed from tank’s drain

Final connections removed
With everything disconnected it was time to remove the old tank. It’s considerably lighter when it’s empty, but still heavy enough to require a hand truck. I muscled it out of the metal floor pan and onto the hand truck, then wheeled it outside to the driveway. Just as I was wheeling it down the outside steps, some rust-colored water that remained in the tank started pouring from the bottom side seam. I’d dodged a bullet — the tank was in the early stages of failure, and could have let go at any minute! I’d been right about living on borrowed time!
With the old tank gone, the utility closet seemed a whole lot roomier!

An (almost) blank canvas to work with!

No sweat! Literally. I removed the sweat joint.

Old faucet-style recirculating line shut-off valved removed
In With The New!
Using the hand truck once again, I brought the box containing the new water heater into the house, cut it open, and wheeled the new tank into place.

Looks exactly like the old one… but awesomer!
Because most of the old fittings and flanges from the recirculating pump return line were bronze, I was able to clean them (using my new brush tool) and re-use them with the new water heater. Here’s a “before & after” shot of the two bronze Taco recirculating pump flanges:

All the bronze hardware cleaned up nicely!
Next, I re-installed the vent ducting on the top of the water heater, and used my original sheet metal screws from the old water heater to attach it. Because the new tank was the same height as the old one, the ducting didn’t need any modification; it just popped right back into place!
In order to make connecting everything on the new water heater as easy as possible, I decided to use CVPC pipes and Shark Bite fittings everywhere. CPVC is a special type of PVC pipe that’s rated for use anywhere you’d use copper, but it’s 1/3 the price of copper, easier to cut, and easier to connect (you can glue CPVC vs. sweat soldering copper).
Shark Bite fittings are “push-on” fittings that make plumbing almost as easy as playing with Legos. And the best part is that you can remove them with a small orange plastic horseshoe-shaped tool and re-use them any time. It really is ridiculously easy to use, and is perfect for rookie DIY plumbers like me:
Armed with my Shark Bite fittings and CPVC, I decided I’d connect everything up in the direction of water flow from the shut-off valve. The first thing I wanted to install was my new Amtrol ST-5 expansion tank. The factory-set precharge on this expansion tank is 40 PSI, but you’re supposed to modify your tank’s pre-charge to the actual pressure of the water coming into the water heater.
Because our city’s water pressure is a wimpy 40 PSI, we use a pressure boosting tank here at the house which keeps the water pressure between 50-65 PSI (the pump turns on when water use in the house drops the pressure down to 50 PSI, and turns off again when the boosted pressure reaches 65 PSI). But our pressure tank is down in the basement on the south side of the house, and this water heater’s location is on the main floor on the north end, so I needed to know the exact water pressure at the expansion tank’s location. Using CPVC and Shark Bite fittings, finding the pressure was easy. I made sure the pressure tank was boosted to its max of 65 PSI, then clicked together some Shark Bite fittings, CPVC, and a pressure gauge to quickly get an accurate reading:

Building “temporary plumbing” is easy with Shark Bite

Everything clicked right into place
With the water connections up top completed, it was time to turn my attention downward. I put a 1/2″ Shark Bite ball valve on the exposed copper recirculating return line near the floor (the one where I toasted the wall), and also installed a new gas hookup hose on the gas line just above it. I used yellow gas pipe Teflon tape (different than the stuff rated just for water or air use) to make sure all the fittings were sealed tight, then connected the hose to the water heater’s gas inlet. Before turning on the gas valve at the wall, I covered all the joints with some Oatey Leak Detector, which creates highly visible bubbles if there’s a gas leak. You can also diluted dish detergent (which was always good enough for Dad), but I had some of this stuff handy anyway, so I used it.

Gas line installed… and leak free!

We have pilot light!
I re-installed the recirculating pump and connected the flange on the other side. At this point, it was now easy to custom cut the correct length of 1/2″ CPVC pipes and use a couple Shark Bite 1/2″ elbows to finish the job.

Recirculating and drain line installed
Removing the anode in the new tank that had been installed by the factory, however, was another story altogether. They had torqued that thing down big time. It took everything I had to break that thing free with a two-foot long long socket wrench. Hmmm… it’s almost as if the manufacturer doesn’t want homeowners to be able to remove them, so the tanks will wear out faster and you’ll have to buy a new tank sooner…
Anyway, once I got the anode out, I noticed that the factory had used only a minimal amount of Teflon pipe dope on the threads:

Factory installed anode rod

Slightly used anode ready for its new home
As the tank filled, I turned my attention to the discharge tube for the TPR valve on the front of the water heater. Because the floor pan has a built-in drain, I decided to make it easy on myself and have the TPR valve discharge straight down into the pan. I’d purchased a Watts 100DT drain tube for $4 at Home Depot, which is the cheapest way to go. I measured and cut off a small amount from the bottom of the pipe so that it would reach past the lip of the floor pan, then hand-tightened it into the TPR valve.
Once everything was in place, I added a real earthquake strap, and used a socket set to drive the long lag bolts deep into the wall studs. This tank is going nowhere!
When the tank finished filling, I turned the gas valve’s thermostat to HOT, and heard the satisfying “whoomf” of the burner firing. I was making hot water!

My first water heater install – and I didn’t ruin anything!
Carbon Monoxide Testing
If you’re doing any DIY projects that involve a fuel-burning appliance (such as a gas fireplace, gas water heater, gas stove, gas dryer, etc.), then your job’s not done until you’ve verified that the appliance is safely venting any and all exhaust fumes outside the house. CO poisoning is a real threat, and managing that threat should not be the type of thing you “come back and do later.” According to the CDC, more than 400 American die every year from CO poisoning. Take these safety steps now… or catastrophe could prevent you from being around later.
The venting on a gas water heater must be adequate to safely evacuate all exhaust from your water heater. And that means that it’s creating a draft that pulls the exhaust up and out. Hand-held CO testers are available, but the first “quick and dirty” test you can do is the mirror test. Take a mirror and place it close to the opening below your water heater vent, like this:

Water heater CO mirror test
If your water heater passes the mirror test, that’s good… but still not good enough. For any location in your house that has a fuel-burning appliance nearby, you should invest in a CO sensor to install nearby. They can picked up at any hardware store or online retailers. After replacing my upstairs water heater, I installed a First Alert CO615 plug-in sensor from Amazon. It cost around $30, and is easily installed directly into an outlet in the utility room like this:

First Alert CO Monitor and Alarm
After replacing the downstairs water heater (see below for details on that project), I felt safe because I already had a CO sensor in the downstairs utility room that was hard-wired into my whole-house alarm system. After some more research, however, I discovered that CO sensors only last for between 5-7 years, and that one had been installed at the same time as the original water heater… which was almost 17 years earlier. I replaced that sensor, too.
Seriously – get a CO sensor for every appliance in your house that burns fuel. I know it’s cheesy to say something like “the life you save could be your own,” but it’s true… as well as the lives of your children and pets. Check out the CDC’s FAQs about Carbon Monoxide poisoning and how to prevent it.
Finishing Touches
As the water in the tank heated, I cleaned up my work area, verified the timer settings for my recirculating pump, then measured and cut some rubber pipe insulation tubes for all the hot water pipes. I used black duct tape to seal the joints and ends of the insulation tubes.

Insulation tubes around the hot water outlet hose and the TPR valve

Insulation tubing around the recirculating pump return line and drain
Final Thoughts and Lessons Learned
My final thoughts are that I’m extremely glad I decided to tackle this project myself. It seemed major at the outset, but after completing it, I realized it’s like anything else: if you have the right tools and supplies, work without rushing, and think ahead, there’s nothing “magic” about installing a water heater. Anyone can do it.
I also learned the CPVC and Shark Bite fittings are the novice plumber’s friend. I know plenty of pros who also use them, but for those of us who will probably only install 2 or 3 water heaters in our lifetime, they are no-brainers.
I also re-confirmed that while you may get the best prices from big box stores or e-commerce websites, there’s simply no substitute for an old-skool hardware store with an expert behind the counter who will steer you in the right direction.
So go check your water heater. The manufacture date will probably be on the sticker on the side of the unit. If it’s over 12 years old, you might want to start looking for signs of wear. If it’s much older than that, you may want to consider being proactive and swapping it out now. And feel confident that if a computer geek like me can swap his out in a single afternoon, you can, too!
I welcome your questions, comments, and feedback below!
I replaced my 75 gallon unit yesterday (1/22/14). Here are some before pics and the “after” shot!

Cold inlet and hot outlet on old 75 gallon water heater

Corrosion from leaky hot water outlet

Corrosion on cold water side, too

Old 75 gallon water heater removed

New 75 gallon water heater (with new expansion tank) installed!
I added a check valve on the cold water inlet side of the tank, which helped stop warm water from the tank expanding out into the cold line. I included photos with a separate blog post about it here. The SharkBite fittings made it a very easy job. If you’re reading this post and planning to replace your water heater, I recommend doing this, too.