APC UPS Diagnostic Events interface

How to Turn Off “UPS: Passed a Self-Test” Emails on APC Smart-UPS

By default, if you configure a notification email address on an APC Smart-UPS, it will send you an email every time your UPS passes a self test. Depending on how often you have your UPS’s self tests scheduled, this can fill up your inbox or SMS alert system with messages you don’t actually care about. I like to get emails when a UPS unit fails a self test, but if everything is working as it should, I’m happy not hearing about it.

Unfortunately, there’s no obvious way to disable the “UPS: Passed a self-test” emails via the Smart-UPS web interface. If you go to Administration -> Notification -> Power Events/Diagnostics, you only see the following:

APC UPS Diagnostic Events interface

APC UPS Diagnostic Events interface

While you can enable and disable email notifications for when your UPS starts or fails a self test, a link to “UPS: Passed a self-test” is nowhere to be found. But it does exist… if you know where to look for it.

To find it, click on the link for “UPS: Failed a self-test.” You’ll see the standard window for enabling/disabling notifications for that event:


APC Smart-UPS notification page for UPS: Failed a self-test

APC Smart-UPS notification page for UPS: Failed a self-test

Look at the URL of that web page in your browser’s address bar, and note that it ends in the hex value 0x0106. Change the last digit 6 to a 5 in the address bar so that it ends with “code=0x0105” then hit ENTER so your web browser loads the new page. You’ll see the hidden page for setting the “UPS: Passed a self-test” notifications:

The hidden APC Smart-UPS notification page for UPS: Passed a self-test

The hidden APC Smart-UPS notification page for UPS: Passed a self-test

Now you can uncheck the email address, hit Apply, and the notifications will stop!

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