
"Forget" your access point(s) on your existing UniFi Controller before adopting it on your hosted controller
After writing the post on how to quickly upgrade your Ubiquiti UniFi Controller on non-Debian Linux boxes (I run mine on CentOS), I decided that it still wasn’t quick enough. So I threw together a script called upgrade_unifi.sh that does the following: Stops the existing UniFi Controller Makes a backup of your old UniFi […]

Automated Script for UniFi Controller Upgrade on Linux/Unix Systems

My original ecobee3 review is now two months old, so I decided a “here’s how things are going two months later” post might be in order. Over the past two months, I’ve received numerous questions (both in my blog comments and over in the ecobee discussion forum at SmartHomeHub.net), and I’ve also […]

ecobee3 Review Followup: Two Month Update

Upgrade from Fedora 17 to 18 with FedUp 1
Fedora 18 (codename Spherical Cow) was officially released today, and there’s a mad scramble to figure out how to upgrade to this latest Linux desktop from Fedora 17. Previously, you’d have to either do a fresh install with a CD or DVD, or you could use the built-in PreUpgrade method. […]

Upgrade from Fedora 17 to Fedora 18 with FedUp